Jan Paulden

On behalf of: Keira P..

Love your book cover from last year. Looking forward to seeing this years and reading the book. Proud of you. Grandma Jan

27th August 2024


Trina Shell

On behalf of: Keira P..

25th August 2024


marco mensink

On behalf of: Keira P..

24th August 2024


Clem and Pam Powers

On behalf of: Keira P..

So proud of you Keira. Love Grandma and Poppy

20th August 2024


Nora Tocci

On behalf of: Keira P..

You go girl! Miss ya!

20th August 2024


Marion Paulden

On behalf of: Keira P..

Go Keira- love Marion Dale Jack Charlotte

19th August 2024


Marissa Paulden

On behalf of: Keira P..

15th August 2024
