Oscar Noone

On behalf of: Sofya V..

The Heist Gone Wrong It was a chilly Friday night when I decided to rob the jewelry store on Fifth Avenue, aiming for the "Eternal Rock," a diamond worth millions. Weeks of planning led me to this moment. I dressed in black, masked, and armed with a toolkit, my heart pounding as I approached the store. Disabling the alarm and picking the lock, I slipped inside. The store was silent except for the hum of the air conditioning. I found the display case, cut a small opening, and lifted the diamond into a padded pouch. Success was within my grasp. But then the alarm blared. Panic surged through me. I ran for the back door, but the police were already inside, guns drawn. "Drop the diamond and put your hands up!" an officer shouted. I complied, dropping the pouch and raising my hands, but in the chaos, an officer mistakenly thought I was reaching for a weapon. "Gun!" he yelled, and a sharp, burning pain hit my side. I collapsed, blood soaking my clothes. Everything became a blur as I was lifted onto a stretcher. The last thing I saw was the Eternal Rock, still in the broken display case, a symbol of my failed heist. Waking up in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the rail, I realized the gravity of my actions. A police officer stood nearby. "You're lucky to be alive," he said. "But you're also going away for a long time." Lying there, I knew my life had changed forever, all because of one ill-fated decision to rob a rock.

4th August 2024


Samuel Baxter

On behalf of: Sofya V..

For those that know me, I’m a respectful, handsome, wonderful delivery driver; however, I have a dark past. One fateful evening, during my usual route, I encountered an unexpected tragedy. It was a quiet neighborhood, the sun setting behind the houses, casting long shadows across the street. I was driving with my usual care when, out of nowhere, a cat darted into the road. In the split second I had to react, everything seemed to move in slow motion. I slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The thud reverberated through the vehicle, and my heart sank. I pulled over immediately, my hands shaking as I got out to check on the poor creature. The cat lay motionless on the asphalt, its beautiful fur marred by the accident. I felt a wave of guilt and sorrow wash over me. I gently moved the cat to the side of the road, hoping it would at least be out of harm’s way. I knocked on a few doors, hoping to find its owner, but there was no answer. The memory of that night haunts me still. Every time I drive down that street, I can’t help but remember the cat and the regret I feel. It’s a reminder that no matter how careful we try to be, sometimes accidents happen, but there is hope, hope that this $10 will fix this horrible tragedy. Amen🙏

2nd August 2024


Patrick Kosky

On behalf of: Sofia K..

2nd August 2024


Samuel Baxter

On behalf of: Sofya V..

I’m a baller what can I say”~~ $25 later

2nd August 2024


Anna Kosky

On behalf of: Sofia K..

Anna Kosky

1st August 2024


Dee Buckingham-Gray

On behalf of: Ariel B..

1st August 2024


Michele Kosky

On behalf of: Sofia K..

1st August 2024


Nina Metham

On behalf of: Sofia K..

1st August 2024


Nina Metham

1st August 2024


Sofya Vysotskaya

On behalf of: Sofya V..

1st August 2024



On behalf of: Roy J..

31st July 2024


Tim Knowles

On behalf of: Roy J..

31st July 2024


Dasul Kim

On behalf of: Roy J..

31st July 2024


Pat Hastie

On behalf of: Tara S..

30th July 2024


Anne Sinclair

On behalf of: Tara S..

28th July 2024



On behalf of: Tara S..

28th July 2024


Stephanie Hiraishi

On behalf of: Naomi H..

19th July 2024
