Eloise A.

Christ the King North Rocks

Fundraising Goal: $300

Raised so far:



Thanks for your support

Thank you so much for your generous donation and for supporting me in the Write a Book in a Day competition! Your contribution will go directly towards funding childhood cancer research through The Kids' Cancer Project.

The book my team and I write will also be donated to children undergoing treatment in hospitals across Australia. It's a big challenge to write a book in just 12 hours, but I'm excited and ready to take it on, all while raising money for such an important cause.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement. My goal is to raise $300, and with your help, I'm one step closer to achieving it!

My Sponsors

Elaine Hodda

Go girl!

28th July 2024


Merryl Lloyd

26th July 2024


Danielle Atkinson

26th July 2024


Danielle Atkinson

26th July 2024
