Solaina A.

Nunawading Christian College (NUNAWADING)

Fundraising Goal: $200

Raised so far:



Thanks for your support


I'm challenging myself to Write a Book in a Day! My team and I will write and illustrate a book within a 12 hour period. The money I raise through sponsorship will go to The Kids' Cancer Project who fund vital childhood cancer research.
Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death of children by disease. Many people don't realise that kids' cancer is different from adult cancer. Every year, 950 children are diagnosed with cancer in Australia.

The published book will be shared with children in hospital, thanks to The Kids' Cancer Project and available to read via the Online Library from November.

You can sponsor me here:

Any amount goes a long way! Thank you for supporting me in this fundraising and helping The Kids Cancer project.


My Sponsors


Good luck Ate Nadee. We're proud of you!

24th July 2024


Velmore and Joanna Vidad

22nd July 2024


Roland and Margie Pagdanganan

22nd July 2024



22nd July 2024
